We Need Your Support

Pollution-free wind power pumps billions of dollars into the country’s economy every year, particularly in rural areas where wind farms are located. The Rail Tie Wind Project will bring a long-term economic boost to Albany County and the State of Wyoming by creating new family-wage jobs and providing long-term tax revenue in excess of $150 million over the next few decades. In addition, during construction the project will provide $27 million in sales and use tax revenues to Albany County and the State of Wyoming and will generate hundreds of jobs. Furthermore, the Rail Tie Wind Project will generate enough clean energy to power more than 180,000 homes.

Please join the growing number of people who support this project by signing a petition that will be submitted to key decision makers involved in the approval of the Rail Tie Wind Project. Signing the petition is simple and quick! Just enter your information below to show that you are in support of the economic and environmental benefits that the Rail Tie Wind Project will provide to Albany County.

If you would like to take it one step further and sign a letter of support to be submitted to key decision makers involved in the approval of the Rail Tie Wind Project, please check this box and your name will be signed at the bottom of the following letter.

Re: Support for the Lava Run Wind & Solar Projects

To whom it may concern,

Re: Support for the Rail Tie Wind Project

To whom it may concern,

I am writing today to express my support for the Rail Tie Wind Project currently under development in southeastern Albany County. The Rail Tie Wind Project will provide local benefits, protection of local infrastructure such as roads under a County Road Use Agreement, and increased tax revenues throughout the life of the project, which could exceed $133 million to Albany County plus $45 million to the state of Wyoming over the life of the project. The increased tax revenues provided by the Rail Tie Wind Project will not only greatly help taxpayers and our county address the increasing tax burden, they can be used to fund local infrastructure and other vital public services, benefitting all residents.

Further, the Rail Tie Wind Project will support more than 500 family-wage construction jobs to construct the project, of which 100 are estimated to be filled by Wyoming residents, and more than 20 permanent jobs to operate and maintain the wind project day to day. These are jobs that can help retain young people in Albany County and the surrounding area by offering them a broader range of well-paying employment opportunities. We have many local businesses in the area who could also benefit from a project like the Rail Tie Wind Project, as there will be many needs for local equipment, hospitalities and other services throughout construction.

We need to look forward, not backwards, and support this rare opportunity that will help our community thrive today and for future generations.



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